Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Quick Post

This going to be quick because it is raining really hard, and I think the electricity might go out.

Things are good down here. Yesterday we had a bug invasion. No joke, these big ant like bugs with wings came out of no where after rained. It was crazy. When you came inside, you brought ten with you, and then they would multiply.

Today, some of the kids had their first day of school, so they have been wound-up all day. All of the kids are doing well. I think the new ones are adjusting.

This is Francisco (I don't know if I spelled his name right.) He is the best one to take naps with because he sleeps the longest. And, don't worry Mom Iwill shave before you come.


Missy said...

You look great just the way you are...beard and all! I love you bunches! Mom

Anna said...

haha. i say keep the goatee. i liked it last summer! i hope those flying ants go away. that's just gross. see you in ten days! crazy, i know =)

love you much.

Joe said...

Sounds like you're getting into the rhythm of life in Honduras.

Looking foward to seeing you in a few days and meeting the folks with whom you'll be spending the summer.

The folks from the Prime-Timers class (including the "ants"), others at church, and many of folks whom I've seen from WCCS have all made asked me to make sure you know they are thinking about you, praying for you, and proud of you and what you're doing this summer.

Love. Dad

Your Daily Laughter said...

ok. everytime i try to leave you a comment, google deletes my account. so... this is the last time i sign in as GOOGLE/BLOGGER!! Ya hear me!! GAH!

anyway.. my original comment was supposed to say...

cute kid, nice beard, bad bugs.


Anonymous said...

Soy una chica en la clase de estadística con su madre. Ella me dijo sobre tú viaje a Honduras. Espero que la pasará bien. Buena suerte con su viaje y trabajo allí.

Anonymous said...

JT! i'm so happy you're there safely. it took me awhile to find your blog, but now that i found it, i'll be sure and read it frequently. i'm so proud of the work you're doing there. i wish i would've planned out my summer a little differently to be able to go down and experience a little piece of what you're experiencing.
the posts and pictures will stick with me. i'll be sure to be praying for the children and you.