Friday, June 8, 2007

New Babies!

Yesterday, Jen and Ashley had to go into town to run many errands. They arrived around 11 last night, and in their hands were two new babies. Don't worry, they were puppies. One of them is a golden lab and the other is this tiny cocker spaniel. They both have worms, so the kids can't play with them yet, but they are very excited. Some how last night, Ashley and I decided that the spaniel's name should be Damascus. It was late; it was very random. The lab doesn't exactly have a name yet. He gets called a couple of names. I am hoping that these puppies will survive. We haven't had to much luck in the past.

Tomorrow some of my favorite people are coming to one of my favorite places. I am so excited that the Grand Central team is coming. I know that God will change their lives. Please pray as they travel tomorrow, and that everyone with set a couple of alarm clocks!

They fell asleep in the clothes hamper


Unknown said...

awww they're delightful... I really enjoy reading this... Jesus is marvelous... praying for you...

Anonymous said...

those puppies are soooo cute i hope they make it :) and im praying for you and our grand central people... you are doing such wonderful thiings done there, im so proud of you

Anonymous said...

How 'bout an update? -Mrs. D.